May 1Liked by Marc Zao-Sanders

Sure. I'd be happy to be a Beta tester.

BTW. I've found that empirically determining the sweet spot of tasks I can complete in a day to determine the number of timeboxes I create has helped me feel a sense of control. For me that number is 34. I usually begin with 60-70 items but then I just eliminate all but 34. I usually just get them done. Rarely I dig into the "bullpen" to pull items. This has mitigated the false optimism and inevitable disappointment I've felt in prior planning.

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you get 34 items done each day?! that's a big number! what do you do for a living bruce?

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It's not that impressive because in your terms most of these get packaged into a smaller batches like "morning tasks." Most of these are the small day to day to tasks like feeding and walking my dog, taking out the trash. I found that when I did not account for them in the list of 34 I always overestimated how much I could do. Of course, I could have just said, 4 which is what is left over on some days but that is too much for my puny ego to take. And speaking of that I'm a psychologist. This is my blog. brucesorkin.com. You even got a shout out on it. https://brucesorkin.com/2024/04/19/review-of-timeboxing-by-marc-zao-sanders/

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you're on! and thank you!!

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