I’ve now written 40 email newsletters. I started them in August 2023. I’ve written 23k words (roughly half a Timeboxing book) at an average of 575 words per send (just slightly over the 500 words advertised).
I like writing them. The process helps to generate ideas, work out what I really think, and sharpen that thinking. And I’m gradually gathering ideas for a second book.
I have three favourite posts, which I’d like to give a little more air time to here to any of you, dear friends, that might have missed them. The one where you can write a thousand words if you seed and nourish your brain at the right times. The one where you won’t see some of your nearest and dearest many more times in this life. And the one where Elon takes ages to decide that the biggest challenge in life is how to spend time well (which to me is sort-of isomorphic to the one where time is the most frequently used noun in English).
But before I write any more, I’d like to check in with my audience; I’d like to check in with you. If you can answer the following four questions…thank you! I’ll discuss the results in the next post.
Finally, three requests rolled into one for which I’ll need you to reply to this email.
First, I’m about to launch a one-email-a-day-for-7-days mini-course to initiate the uninitiated to timeboxing. If you’d like to be part of a small beta group of testers, please reply and tell me.
Second, if you have any ideas for the promotion of this newsletter (what would it take for you to share it on LinkedIn, for example), please reply and tell me.
Finally, if you’d like to make any suggestions, voice critique or lavish praise, again, a reply to this email will do the job. I still read every reply I get :)
[Image by Sara Buttra]
Sure. I'd be happy to be a Beta tester.
BTW. I've found that empirically determining the sweet spot of tasks I can complete in a day to determine the number of timeboxes I create has helped me feel a sense of control. For me that number is 34. I usually begin with 60-70 items but then I just eliminate all but 34. I usually just get them done. Rarely I dig into the "bullpen" to pull items. This has mitigated the false optimism and inevitable disappointment I've felt in prior planning.