TLDR: 7 questions to indicate how well you use your time
Word count: 901
Read time: 5 mins
According to the OECD, 24 hours in the life of an average human looks like this:
Sleeping: 8 hrs
Working: 6.5 hrs
Leisure: 5 hrs
Housework & shopping: 2 hrs
Helping others: 1.5 hrs
Eating & drinking: 1 hr
Six and a half of those hours are spent online. 2.5 hrs are on social media. Many of us don’t set intentions at all. And as I wrote recently, we spend far too much time (2.5 days a year) looking for things we’ve lost.
Many of us waste a lot of the precious little time we have, at work and at leisure. Elon Musk reckons this is the biggest challenge that we face as human beings. Isn’t it the only one?
Here are some questions to help shake us from our stupors.
How was that for you? I hope some of the questions themselves inspire some different behaviours. As you’ve probably gathered from the ordering of the answers…
If you answered mostly As…
You have a clear sense of direction and prioritise your time effectively and happily. This structured approach will help you make progress and achieve the goals that are important to you. Perhaps you might consider allowing a little more flexibility and spontaneity into your life.
If you answered mostly Bs…
You’ve struck a good balance between planning and flexibility. While you set goals and make plans, you are also adaptable to changing circumstances. This balance helps you stay productive without feeling overly restricted. But are there some areas, perhaps drawn out by the questions above, where you might make an adjustment?
If you answered mostly Cs…
You have a general idea of your goals and make some effort to manage your time, but there’s room for improvement. By adding a bit more structure and clarity to your plans, you can achieve greater productivity, satisfaction and a sense of agency. You can’t lead an intentional life without having a good idea of what your intentions are.
If you answered mostly Ds…
You occasionally set goals and make plans, but often struggle with consistency and follow-through. Your approach can lead to mixed results, with some days being productive but many being otherwise. Focusing on developing a more consistent planning habit can help you make steadier progress and know that your making it.
If you answered mostly Es…
You tend to live in the moment and veer away from long-term planning and time management. While this approach maximises spontaneity and flexibility, it can also lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled (and even unknown!) goals. Consider adding some basic planning tactics and strategies to live a more balanced and productive life.
Links you may like
7 days of Timeboxing (the free email micro-course)
Timeboxing, the book (US)
Timeboxing, the book (UK)
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