I would like to send in my week. Would you be able to give another image of yours or a fictional week with readable text? I can see that many of your blocks are usually 15 minutes but seeing what the block is called would be helpful. The text in the image above is hard to make out. Also, is this image of planning a week in advance or once the week has completed? I timebox mainly one day at a time and I try to adjust my timeboxes to reflect the actual time spent on a task on the fly if my planning has to change.
hey mark. i can do that on a call. just email me (reply to the newsletter) with an image (last week is probably better as it will be, as you say, complete) and i'll send you an analysis.
Hi Marc,
I would like to send in my week. Would you be able to give another image of yours or a fictional week with readable text? I can see that many of your blocks are usually 15 minutes but seeing what the block is called would be helpful. The text in the image above is hard to make out. Also, is this image of planning a week in advance or once the week has completed? I timebox mainly one day at a time and I try to adjust my timeboxes to reflect the actual time spent on a task on the fly if my planning has to change.
hey mark. i can do that on a call. just email me (reply to the newsletter) with an image (last week is probably better as it will be, as you say, complete) and i'll send you an analysis.