TLDR: 52 blogs, lessons, hard work and joy boxed up for your convenience
Word count: 299 words
Read time: 1 min
This is the 52nd newsletter for One Thing at a Time. A whole year of writing to you about time, intention, agency, stress, procrastination, memory, and more.
A lot happened in my life and in this blog in those 12 months. It included: the finishing of the book; its launch in the UK; some new, related activities such as podcast interviews and book signings; the launch of the book in the US and other countries (still loads — 25 or so — to come, including Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, Azerbaijani); several blog series (MR ELF, The Big 3 distractions, Not-forgetting); the miraculous 7-day timeboxing course; use of polls to more actively take into account what you all find interesting.
In my opinion, the highest-quality post was last week’s, about remembering the past. The one that’s had the greatest impact so far on people I know is #4 Date night. The most viewed was one of my least favourite: 30 time management techniques. And the one I’m asked most about, from authors and authors-to-be, is Writing a book in four months.
The image above is how those 52 newsletters look, at a glance. I’ve also created a mega-carousel of all 52 posts, along with a distillation of any wisdom contained (AKA TLDR). You can view it here:
I’ve learnt lots in this time, much of which I didn’t anticipate. For example, how to:
accumulate & iterate ideas
write quickly and consistently
generate hooks for social media
think better, through writing
enjoy the process (writing this blog is rarely stressful and usually cathartic)
One Thing at a Time (#OTAAT) is the philosophy of simpler, more productive, happier life. I hope you’ll be enjoying some of the benefits of it very soon.
There’s another benefit to looking back on all this. I’d like readers who have joined in more recently to be aware of what’s gone on before, in the back catalogue, as it were. One of the joys of timeboxing and the subjects we touch on here is that they’re timeless.
Links you may like
7 days of Timeboxing (the free email micro-course)
Timeboxing, the book (US)
Timeboxing, the book (UK)
My Insta for shorter-form content
Connect with me on LinkedIn (I will say yes!)